Vanderbilt Law Review


William Merlin

First Page



On April 6, 1949, the Tennessee Legislature passed the most comprehensive adoption act in the state's history.' The purpose of this Note is to evaluate that statute, bringing up to date the status of the adoption law in the state. Primarily, it is hoped that this Note will be of help to the practicing lawyer; and for this reason, the text has been divided to show separately the procedural and substantive aspects of the law. Of course, the distinctions made are sometimes arbitrary and unnatural. At times natural sequence has been altered for the sake of clarity. But it is hoped that, over all, help may be given in understanding the law as it exists. While the Note is to be devoted to legal problems, a complete understanding is not possible without consideration being given to the historical development of the psychosocial philosophy of adoptions. An attempt has been made, also, to give a broad, if cursory, outline of the emotional implications of the subject. Lastly, a few broad suggestions are made as to needed further legislation.

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