Vanderbilt Law Review


Wilson Sims

First Page



One of the greatest assets of the Vanderbilt Law School is Professor Hartman's obvious love and appreciation for the School. When the Dutchman gets serious, this comes across in a powerful way. His unending effort on behalf of the Law School in working with the alumni over these many years has resulted in numerous tangible benefits for the Law School, but even more importantly, in many intangible ways, including the great sense of loyalty held by many of these alumni, all of them the Dutchman's former students. The School has no better salesman. He and his wife Dorothy command the unanimous respect of our constituency. Paul Hartman's contribution to the Law School is not limited to the colorful experiences stimulated in his classroom. His life demonstrates in a clear way respect for the law, the thrill of the advocacy system, and the sense of humor required for the balanced perspective of the successful lawyer.
