Vanderbilt Law Review

First Page



It is scarcely necessary at this date to give notice of the publication of Causation in the Law. Since its appearance four years ago the book has become widely known and has been much discussed by legal scholars, particularly in the fields of torts and criminal law. Doubtless it has received similar attention from philosophers, for it is a work that seeks to achieve something which is seldom attempted, and then with little success, namely, to combine legal and philosophical thinking in a way that secures the understanding and approval of both philosophers and lawyers by satisfying the analytical rigor of the philosopher without offending the practical instincts of the lawyer. That the book would quickly receive widespread attention was made inevitable by Professor Harts eminence both as a legal scholar and a philosopher and by the intrinsic interest of the subject matter. It is a remarkable fact that after so much discussion, extending over so many years, of the role that causation plays in law, it should still be a subject that engages the deepest attention and maximum intellectual effort of legal scholars.
