Vanderbilt Law Review

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This is a day of rejoicing for all of those who love this University, for those who know the quality of this School, and for those who are aware of the role which a great school of law can play in the progress of this southern region. We are grateful to all of you for coming to help us celebrate this accomplishment, especially grateful to those of you who bring greetings from other schools of law, and for those of you who have had a part in this program and will have a part in it this morning. This day admittedly has been long in the making. The charter of one of the United Nations' organizations begins with the sentence,"Wars begin in the minds of men." This building began in the minds of the Law School faculty I do not know how long ago. I can only report that some six or eight years ago I proposed to the Dean of the School of Law that we place an elevator in Kirkland Hall so that the older members of the faculty would not have to climb the stairs. He conferred with his faculty and a few days later brought back to me their reply. They had discussed the matter, he said, and had concluded, first, that they did not have any older members of their faculty and, second, that the only elevators that he could get them interested in talking about were the ones that were to appear in the proposed new Law School building.
